Strategy Tester Report
FXOpen-Demo STP (Build 1353)


Symbol EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
Period 1 Hour (H1) 2015.01.02 11:00 - 2022.04.04 23:00 (2015.01.01 - 2022.04.05)
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Bars in test 46061 Ticks modelled 130953636 Modelling quality 90.00%
Mismatched charts errors 0        
Initial deposit 1000.00     Spread 20
Total net profit 2913900.65 Gross profit 6343863.51 Gross loss -3429962.86
Profit factor 1.85 Expected payoff 1448.26    
Absolute drawdown 13.03 Maximal drawdown 1355209.49 (88.84%) Relative drawdown 88.84% (1355209.49)
Total trades 2012 Short positions (won %) 1225 (72.08%) Long positions (won %) 787 (70.01%)
  Profit trades (% of total) 1434 (71.27%) Loss trades (% of total) 578 (28.73%)
Largest profit trade 363222.63 loss trade -130225.53
Average profit trade 4423.89 loss trade -5934.19
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 15 (1126.29) consecutive losses (loss in money) 9 (-129735.73)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 512138.74 (9) consecutive loss (count of losses) -406367.05 (7)
Average consecutive wins 4 consecutive losses 1
Aggressive EURUSD - Since 2015
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