Strategy Tester Report
Dyna Scalp No License
Alpari-Pro.ECN-Demo (Build 1335)
Symbol | EURAUD (Euro vs Australian Dollar) | ||||
Period | 15 Minutes (M15) 2015.07.06 01:00 - 2021.05.07 23:45 (2010.01.01 - 2021.06.28) | ||||
Model | Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes) | ||||
Parameters | dynsc="===>> >> Dyna Scalp << <<==="; initcfg="====>Trading Time And Identification<===="; Receipt="Enter Your Receipt Here"; Email="Enter Your Email Here"; DefineTradingHours=true; StartHour=23; StartMinuteOfTrade=0; StopHour=0; StopMinuteOfTrade=55; Magic=3323; DynaScalpComment="DynaScalp"; rangecfg="====>Channel Settings<===="; BBandsPeriod=12; BBandsDeviation=1.5; BBandsShift=0; ATRPeriod=20; ATRTimeFrame=0; ATRFactorToOpenNextOrder=6; slset="====>SL Settings<===="; FixStopLoss=350; tpset="====>TP Settings<===="; FixTakeProfit=100; advcgf="====>Strategy Configuration<===="; ResetOnMiddleBands=true; ResetOnOppositeBands=false; OrderQuantityLimitToOneSide=1; MaxOpenOrders=1; UseOpenOrderOnCandleOut=true; PastCandleToCheckTrigger=0; UseCloseCandleFunction=false; MaxSpread=200; UseDontTradeOnShortMoves=false; TestResetBeforeStartHour=true; SecondsForNextOrder=60; omset="====>Order Placement Advanced Settings<===="; UseMarketOrders=true; UseLimitOrders=false; UseBBandsTPMiddleTrailOnlySmaller=true; UseBBandsTPEdgeTrailOnlySmaller=false; AvoidTripleSwapOnWednesday=true; DeleteAllOrdersForTheWeekend=true; HourToStopOnFriday=21; MinuteToStopOnFriday=40; riskcfg="====>Risk Management Settings<===="; Risk=1; UseRiskBasedOnTraditionalTotalAccountBalance=false; UseFixLots=false; LotsFixed=0.01; UseMMForMarti=true; InitialPairPercentual=10; UseMaxAllowedPercentualBalance=false; MaxAllowedPercentualBalance=20; UseMinAllowedPercentualBalance=true; MinAllowedPercentualBalance=0.1; RiskMultiplier=4; UseRestartOfDynamicBalanceWeightOfPair=false; | ||||
Bars in test | 144531 | Ticks modelled | 232111593 | Modelling quality | 99.90% |
Mismatched charts errors | 0 | ||||
Initial deposit | 1000.00 | Spread | Variable | ||
Total net profit | 1501.93 | Gross profit | 18762.49 | Gross loss | -17260.56 |
Profit factor | 1.09 | Expected payoff | 0.99 | ||
Absolute drawdown | 41.15 | Maximal drawdown | 3624.62 (74.34%) | Relative drawdown | 74.34% (3624.62) |
Total trades | 1517 | Short positions (won %) | 873 (70.22%) | Long positions (won %) | 644 (69.25%) |
Profit trades (% of total) | 1059 (69.81%) | Loss trades (% of total) | 458 (30.19%) | ||
Largest | profit trade | 151.16 | loss trade | -415.82 | |
Average | profit trade | 17.72 | loss trade | -37.69 | |
Maximum | consecutive wins (profit in money) | 31 (436.49) | consecutive losses (loss in money) | 8 (-743.77) | |
Maximal | consecutive profit (count of wins) | 585.21 (12) | consecutive loss (count of losses) | -743.77 (8) | |
Average | consecutive wins | 3 | consecutive losses | 1 |