Expert Advisor Reviews

Trader's Sun/Moon EA Review

Today we’ll review a Forex robot kit which consists of two EAs: Trader’s Sun EA and Trader’s Moon EA. These robots have been on the market for more than 4 years already and have shown a stable profitable performance.

Follow this article to get more detailed information about the logic and performance of these EAs.


XFXea Review

Here is yet another Forex robot review on ForexStore. Today we’ll analyze the XFXea robot which has been showing high results for more than two years already. It is one of the EAs that does not use Martingale and usually has no long unprofitable periods, as the developer says.

So, let’s dive into the review to see the real performance of this Forex robot.


Forex Truck EA Review

Here is the review of the newest Forex robot on ForexStore – Forex Truck EA. It has all the potential to get the title of a reliable trading robot. The hard risk-control and two-blocks trading strategy implemented in it is quite interested to analyze. So, in this review, we'll get through all the pros and cons of this robot to figure out.


Bounce Trader EA Review 2020

Bounce Trader EA is a yet another Forex robot created by LeapFX that is claimed to be a successful Forex robot by its developer. So, dive into this Forex robot review by ForexStore, and let's review this Forex robot to see by ourselves the true value of this automated trading system.


Forex inControl Review

Let’s review one of the popular Forex robots out there - Forex inControl EA, which has been on the market for more than 4 years already. The system is positioned as the hard drawdown control Forex robot that brings stable profit. Let's see if it is true or not in this new Forex robot review on ForexStore.


Forex Gump EA Review

Forex Gump EA is one of the popular Forex robots that is claimed to be a very profitable Forex Expert Advisor with trendy a candle and News Filter. In this review let’s figure out what are the pros and cons of this Forex EA. 


Forex Flex EA Review

The Forex Flex EA developer claims that it has been the number 1 performing verified profitable Forex ea since 2012 with a continued evolution year after year of updates and improvements. In this Forex robot review, we'll try to figure out whether this is true or it is just another Forex scamming system.


FXStabilizer PRO Review

FXStabilizer EA is one of the Forex robots that has become widely known on Forex robotrading, so we can't help but review it today. Developers believe that this robot is characterized by regular profit without long drawdowns, incredible reliability, and durability to all changes at the Forex market. In this review let’s see together what does this Forex EA has to give traders.


Forex Robotron Review

Forex Robotron EA is a popular Forex robot called “perhaps the best forex robot for automated forex trading” by its developers. In this review, we’re going to explore if it is true and how exactly this EA has to be described.

The developer gives us four different packages of Forex Robotron to choose from but the only difference between them is the number of licenses you get. At the same time, the price of the packages increases significantly from $299 to $999. So, before submitting Forex Robotron download check the developer’s website and decide for yourself what package fits for you best.


FXRapidEA Review

It's time for a review on FXRapidEA which is one of the latest EAs that’s been represented on ForexStore. The main features of the Forex robot characterized by the developer are that the FXRapidEA does not trade against a trend, it is highly profitable, it trades rapidly and it compatible with all brokers. Let's go deeper into the system's statistics and see if it is true and what's the benefits and weaknesses of this Forex robot.


Broker Profit Review

The Broker Profit EA developers claim it to be the Forex trading system that generates profit no matter what the market conditions are. Let's examine this Forex trading system and put it into a review to see what does it really has to give traders.


FXHelix Review

FXHelix EA developers claim it to be a reliable and high profitable automated trading system that trades in such a way that most of the deals are closed in profit.
Let’s put it through a review and see what is the work of this EA in reality.


TOP Forex EAs

TOP 3 EAs by review author
FXStabilizer PRO
TOP 3 EAs by Forexstore autorating
FX FastBot Advanced 10/10
  • Gain 225.11%
  • Drawdown 12.05%
  • Days in Live 634
FX Proctor Special 10/10
FX Proctor Special - live Forex trading on ForexStore Review Product
  • Gain 587.05%
  • Drawdown 24.96%
  • Days in Live 566
FX FastBot 10/10
  • Gain 1836.23%
  • Drawdown 45.75%
  • Days in Live 1250
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