Strategy Tester Report
Alpari-ECN-Demo (Build 1170)


Symbol EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
Period 15 Minutes (M15) 1999.01.05 13:00 - 2019.01.24 20:00
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Parameters MM="==== Risk Management ===="; FixedLots=0.1; AutoMM=0; GS="==== General Settings ===="; Magic=656565; EA_Coment="SSPMT4"; MaxSpread=3; Slippage=2; TicksTrade=true; StealthMode=false; EmergencyStopDist=50; StopLoss=80; TakeProfit=100; BandPeriod=7; MaxBreakEntry=17; BandBreakEntry=2; BandBreakExit=1; ATR_TF_FL=15; ATR_Per_FL=5; MaxATR_FL=60; ExitProfitOnReverse=7; Reverse_Bar_TF=1; UseTrendFilter=false; MA_Fast_Period=15; MA_Slow_Period=30; MA_Trend_TF=15; Trend_Impulse=5; ATR="==== Dynamic SL & TP ===="; Use_ATR_Profit=false; ATR_Profit_Factor=0.115; Use_ATR_Stop=true; ATR_SL_Factor=2.4; ATR_TF_SL=60; ATR_Per_SL=14; TR="==== Time Restrictions ===="; TimeRestriction=true; CTHour1=0; CTHour2=23; CTHour3=23; CTHour4=55; CTHour5=55; CTHour6=55; CTHour7=55; CTHour8=55; CTHour9=55; CTHour10=55; DR="==== Daily Restrictions ===="; MondayTrading=true; TuesdayTrading=true; WednesdayTrading=true; ThursdayTrading=true; FridayTrading=true; SaturdayTrading=true; SundayTrading=true; SF="==== Wednesday Swap Filter ===="; WednesdaySwapFilter=true; MaxNegSwapPips=-0.5; RF="==== Rollover Time & Spread Filter ===="; RolloverTimeFilter=true; MinutesBefore=5; MinutesAfter=10; x_MaxSpreadFilter=true; x_MaxSpread=2; NN="==== Notifications ===="; EMAIL_Notification=false; PUSH_Notification=false; G="===== GMT Settings ===="; GMT_Offset=2; Calculate_DST=true; NF="==== News Filter Settings ===="; Avoid_News=false; Include_Medium_News=false; Filter_NFP_FOMC_ONLY=false; Wait_Before_News=30; Wait_After_News=30; FE="==== Friday Exit ===="; FridayExit=false; ExitHourFr=21; LastTradeHour=19;
Bars in test 496497 Ticks modelled 204353294 Modelling quality 90.00%
Mismatched charts errors 0        
Initial deposit 300.00     Spread 10
Total net profit 17711.44 Gross profit 32690.45 Gross loss -14979.01
Profit factor 2.18 Expected payoff 3.20    
Absolute drawdown 35.00 Maximal drawdown 478.27 (3.47%) Relative drawdown 16.26% (71.23)
Total trades 5529 Short positions (won %) 2690 (85.91%) Long positions (won %) 2839 (80.63%)
  Profit trades (% of total) 4600 (83.20%) Loss trades (% of total) 929 (16.80%)
Largest profit trade 100.69 loss trade -114.90
Average profit trade 7.11 loss trade -16.12
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 73 (596.74) consecutive losses (loss in money) 5 (-102.01)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 596.74 (73) consecutive loss (count of losses) -204.07 (3)
Average consecutive wins 6 consecutive losses 1
BF Scalper Pro EURUSD. Risk: Fixed Lots. Period: 1999-2019 backtest results
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