Strategy Tester Report
Alpari-ECN-Demo (Build 1260)


Symbol USDCAD (US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar)
Period 1 Minute (M1) 2010.01.01 02:00 - 2020.02.13 15:51 (2010.01.01 - 2022.12.12)
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Parameters MM="==== Risk Management ===="; FixedLots=0.1; AutoMM=0; GS="==== General Settings ===="; Slippage=1; MaxSpread=3; MagicNumber=123456; StartTrail=1; TrailStop=3; EA_Coment="News Scope EA PRO"; PO="==== Pending Orders Settings ===="; PlaceOrders_OnInit=false; ExitAll_OnDeinit=false; ExitAll_OnInit=false; CloseOnTradeHour=true; TradeDirection=0; AddDistance=6; AddStep=10; AddCount=1; StopLoss=10; ExpireMinutes=20; DeleteAfterSeconds=6; CloseOnReversePips=0; TM="==== Time Management System ===="; TradeHour_1=-1; TradeMinute_1=-1; TradeHour_2=-1; TradeMinute_2=-1; TradeHour_3=-1; TradeMinute_3=-1; TradeHour_4=-1; TradeMinute_4=-1; TradeHour_5=-1; TradeMinute_5=-1; MondayTrading=true; TuesdayTrading=true; WednesdayTrading=true; ThursdayTrading=true; FridayTrading=true; G="===== GMT Settings ===="; GMT_Offset=2; Calculate_DST=true; NF="==== News Filter Settings ===="; PlaceOrdersOnNews=true; Include_Medium_News=false; NFP_FOMC_ONLY=false; PlaceOrdersBefore=10; Tolerance=5; NN="==== Notifications ===="; EMAIL_Notification=false; PUSH_Notification=false;
Bars in test 3779518 Ticks modelled 143315112 Modelling quality 99.90%
Mismatched charts errors 0        
Initial deposit 5000.00     Spread Variable
Total net profit 4122.32 Gross profit 5425.74 Gross loss -1303.42
Profit factor 4.16 Expected payoff 5.64    
Absolute drawdown 2.42 Maximal drawdown 55.59 (0.81%) Relative drawdown 0.91% (47.62)
Total trades 731 Short positions (won %) 359 (63.79%) Long positions (won %) 372 (70.43%)
  Profit trades (% of total) 491 (67.17%) Loss trades (% of total) 240 (32.83%)
Largest profit trade 149.34 loss trade -12.92
Average profit trade 11.05 loss trade -5.43
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 22 (232.65) consecutive losses (loss in money) 6 (-20.34)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 264.16 (11) consecutive loss (count of losses) -38.13 (5)
Average consecutive wins 3 consecutive losses 1
News Scope EA Pro USDCAD. Risk: Fixed Lots. Period: 2010-2020 backtest results
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