Strategy Tester Report
Alpari-ECN-Demo (Build 1415)


Symbol GBPUSD (Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar)
Period 15 Minutes (M15) 2009.01.02 10:00 - 2024.05.01 12:18
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Bars in test 5562725 Ticks modelled 11091569 Modelling quality 90.00%
Mismatched charts errors 0        
Initial deposit 3000.00     Spread 10
Total net profit 1448638.00 Gross profit 1819329.01 Gross loss -370691.01
Profit factor 4.91 Expected payoff 127.34    
Absolute drawdown 1256.84 Maximal drawdown 176295.70 (24.57%) Relative drawdown 49.59% (140628.78)
Total trades 11376 Short positions (won %) 4149 (75.32%) Long positions (won %) 7227 (75.09%)
  Profit trades (% of total) 8552 (75.18%) Loss trades (% of total) 2824 (24.82%)
Largest profit trade 36142.38 loss trade -7067.62
Average profit trade 212.74 loss trade -131.26
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 27 (45.20) consecutive losses (loss in money) 5 (-7776.83)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 46843.26 (12) consecutive loss (count of losses) -20336.81 (4)
Average consecutive wins 4 consecutive losses 1
Infinity Trader EA GBPUSD
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