Strategy Tester Report
FX City Pro
Symbol USDJPY (US Dollar vs Japanese Yen)
Period 1 Hour (H1) 2018.03.01 00:00 - 2024.02.29 23:00 (2018.03.01 - 2024.03.01)
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Initial deposit 990.00     Spread 20
Total net profit 1233263.52 Gross profit 1480971.99 Gross loss -247708.47
Profit factor 5.98 Expected payoff 2964.58    
Absolute drawdown 44.74 Maximal drawdown 147677.61 (13.55%) Relative drawdown 18.14% (112667.60)
Total trades 416 Short positions (won %) 15 (80.00%) Long positions (won %) 401 (87.78%)
  Profit trades (% of total) 364 (87.50%) Loss trades (% of total) 52 (12.50%)
Largest profit trade 41343.84 loss trade -20757.94
Average profit trade 4068.60 loss trade -4763.62
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 20 (54659.95) consecutive losses (loss in money) 1 (-20757.94)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 165884.74 (8) consecutive loss (count of losses) -20757.94 (1)
Average consecutive wins 7 consecutive losses 1
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